6 Secrets of Kid-Proof Home Decor

6 Secrets of Kid-Proof Home Decor

With kids running in every direction keeping a house in order is a daily struggle. Especially when your little one is blissfully unaware of the havoc that sticky juice, sidewalk chalk, mud, and so many other things that can wreak your couch, rugs, and your sanity....

5 Reasons You Need a Smart Home

The term “smart home” has been thrown around a lot lately and that is no surprise considering that almost half of Americans have some type of smart home tech in their home. However, most of us have barely scratched the surface of all the smart home...

7 High-Impact Home Improvements for $10k or Less

With so much emphasis on buying and selling homes the truth is that for most of your life as a real estate consumer, you will be a homeowner. That being said your home is so much more than a transaction, so spending some time, money, and energy on improvements makes...