5 Tips for a Healthy Home

We often think of our homes as safe places, but they can be rather unhealthy. The Environmental Protection Agency has dubbed poor indoor air quality as one of the top five environmental health risks. From reducing plastic use to opting for hard surfaces for flooring...

7 Signs of a Good House to Flip

HGTV has several shows featuring people raking in big bucks flipping houses. It seems like an easy and fun way to make an extra $20,000+. However, it is definitely not as easy and as flashy as it is portrayed on TV. Veteran home flippers often keep a mental checklist...

7 Home Maintenance Tasks for June

It’s official, school is out and the heat has returned. Summer is here; there is no doubt about it and all you want to do is head north or to the beach to cool off and relax. However, before you lather up in sunscreen, here are 7 home maintenance tasks you should...