The best way to give a room a renewed and refreshed look is to simply introduce a new piece of furniture or to paint a room. You can add a trending piece of furniture or color into your design and achieve a cohesive look. I am not a big advocate of chasing every new life into a space. When thinking of trends, the most important thing to remember is that if you love it, it will never be out of style.
Embrace the 2016 Color of the Year: White
As their Colors of the Year 2016, Sherwin- Williams and Benjamin Moore both chose white – Alabaster and Simply White. Simply repainting your space with one of these warm white hues will give any space a new outlook. What says new beginning more than a crisp, clean canvas. In this day and age of busyness, white hues invoke a sense of calmness and tranquility.
Add a Piece with Staying Power: Lucite
It is crystal clear that Lucite is here to stay. Adding a piece of Lucite can inject any space with renewed energy. With a more optimistic outlook for the future, darker surfaces are being replaced with lighter ones to make a big impact. There is certainly power in transparency. The clear, reflective quality of lucite makes it a perfect candidate for small spaces. Lucite can be considered the ultimate neutral and won’t distract from other items in a room. The transparency of acrylic furniture is ideal for rooms dominated by color and pattern because it does not take up visual space. Updating traditional design with lucite adds a contemporary touch and can produce stunning results.
Add a One of a Kind Piece: Artisanal 
One of a kind artisanal pieces can add personality and individuality to a rather boring space. Beautiful sculptural forms, raw materials and unique woods are helping to shape artisan’s unique pieces. Artisans are using traditional techniques in a modern context which complements both traditional and contemporary interiors. Expect to see more marble, horn, bone, rock crystals and agate. These on o a kind treasures will certainly be a conversation starter in any space and will be heirlooms of tomorrow.
Get Your Shine On: Mixed Metals
Gone are the days of matching all metals in room. Warm metals like gold and pewter pair well with cooler metals like silver. Layering different metals in a room will add depth and keep a room from looking too staged. Adding a little metallic shimmer will instantly add a touch of glamour. You can simply add a brass lamp or a silver side table-the possibilities are endless.
Do any of these current trends spark your interest? Our experts at McDonough Construction can help you design an additional, remodel, or your whole house around these new and fresh trends, or create a style all your own!