How to Make Smart Design Choices When Building a Home

by | Feb 5, 2020 | New Construction

When building a brand-new home, it is expected that you will be living in it for years and years to come. As a result of this, you should be making conscious and timeless design choices.

That doesn’t mean you can’t take a risk and pick a bold paint color, but items that are more permanent and expensive should require some extra thought. Read further for examples on how to tailor your new home design to your present and future lifestyle.


The biggest decision will be a matter of the material of flooring you choose. Hardwood, carpet, tile, laminate – the possibilities are endless.

There are certain factors you must take into account. Is the hardwood you’re choosing easy to clean, or does it easily show smudge marks that will need to be mopped every day? Do you plan on starting or growing your family? In that case, carpet is softer and safer to play on. Planning on using a bold tile pattern in your bathroom? Consider the cost of replacing it if that trend goes out of style in five to ten years.

Your flooring takes up the entire square footage of your home. Try to keep this aspect of your home as neutral and uniform as possible.

Paint color

Choosing a paint color right away may not be in your best interest. Sometimes you need to see the floors, countertops, cabinets, hardware, and everything else put together first to determine what would look best in the space.

Also, keep in mind that the way the light hits each room at various times of day will impact what the paint color will look like.

If you are someone who changes out your décor often, it is best to go with a neutral paint color so it will match every time. However, paint choice is not permanent so this is one area where you can afford to make a bold design choice.

Countertops and backsplash

This is where you focus on need versus want. Fancy countertops and backsplashes can eat up a huge portion of your budget. Furthermore, trendier materials are often marketed as luxury items with hefty price tags.

Natural stone countertops tend to be more expensive than engineered stone, while both give the same look. Also, you could save hundreds of dollars by designating the backsplash to one specific area such as just over the stove or on one focal wall.

Always try to refrain from over-customizing. Of course, new-home buyers want their homes to reflect their personal style and taste. But, it’s important to consider the resale value and timelessness of the home as well.