How to Add a Bathroom

Your home will likely only have one bathroom if it was built before 1970. So counter space may not be easy to come by if you are sharing one bathroom with your entire family. You may also be asking yourself “how hard would it be to add another bathroom.”...

6 Home Improvement Ideas Under $1k

Increasing the value of your home with a few upgrades is a great idea to get more for it when it comes time to sell. By making a few strategic and affordable upgrades you can really add big value to your home. However, knowing what adds value and what doesn’t...

October Home Maintenance Tasks

Fall is here, and you know what that means… sweater weather and pumpkin spice everything! So before you hit up the local craft store to get your home decorated for the fall season, and more importantly Halloween, take a moment to get your home winter ready!...

Hurricane Water Damage Tips

After hurricanes Irma and Harvey, homeowners are looking to get caught up to speed on fixing the water damage to their home. Water damage is typically covered by flood insurance, which is great news! According to the Insurance Information Institute, water damage makes...

4 End-of-Summer Home Upgrades

For us, in Florida, we don’t have to worry about the summer season coming to an end anytime soon. Technically, summer ends Sept. 22 however, Floridians know that the heat doesn’t get the memo until late November or December. However, now is a great time to...