Building a Home: How Long Does It Take?

by | Jan 23, 2020 | New Construction

When building a home from the ground up, there needs to be a set timeline in place in order to make sure construction operates smoothly from start to finish.

While each new construction project is unique in of itself, you can usually bet on a set time frame for a single-family home.

How long does it take to build a house?

Usually it will take anywhere from three to six months to build a new home. However, you will have to take the site location and zoning classification into account.

The largest hindrance to this timeline would be the building permits. Always make sure the permit is secured as soon as possible so you are not sitting with an empty lot for months.

Obstacles that may affect your timeline

Unfortunately, there are factors in the construction process that are sometimes out of our control. This biggest factor being environmental conditions.

The soil condition and site topography can increase the time it will take to complete the project. If the lot is already fairly level, you shouldn’t expect to run into issues. However, if the building site has spots that are hilly, or if the soil does not provide proper drainage, you will need to account for extra time spent on your project.

The experience level of your chosen contractor will also affect your project timeline. Make sure you properly research your contractor’s capabilities and other completed projects.

What will increase build time?

There is another type of environmental condition that can delay your new home build – the weather. Building materials can be finicky when exposed to high humidity or shifts in temperature. For example, the contractor may have to wait for the weather to dry up a bit in order for the concrete to cure properly.

Another factor that can increase the build time is the homeowner. Any changes to the home design can create a delay in the process. Read more about change orders and how they can affect your project timeline.

How can I shorten the building process?

The more you plan, the more organized and smooth the building process will play out.

Most importantly, have a plan for when any common delays may arise. Is the tile you want for your bathroom on back order? If you can’t wait it out, have a plan B in mind!

Being as involved in the process as you can manage is the best way to keep everything on track. A good idea would be to walk the construction site weekly in order to catch anything that may come up as a surprise later. An active homeowner is also an encouragement to the contracting crew as well.