Turn Home Improvement Castoffs Into Awesome New Projects

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Remodels

Chances are if you have just done a renovation or even a quick DIY project, you probably have some materials left over. So rather than throwing them away, let’s turn them into something awesome! Here are a few ideas to turn your trash into treasure.

Extra Crown Molding

If you have just decked out your house with crown molding, but still have some leftover think about using it to make the ultimate shoes rack. All you have to do is saw off the size you want that will fit on your door or wall, paint them a vibrant color, and glue them to the surface. Any shoe with a heel will hang perfectly!

Extra PVC Pipe

If you have some extra PVC pipe laying around after a recent plumbing project, you can use it to make this awesome bed canopy. Its a good and cheap idea that will still give you the desired “oasis” look. 

Extra Sheets of Plywood

Flat boring doors lack personality and character, so if you have some extra plywood lying around you can create a paneled door! It typically costs less than $15 to accomplish this look with this tactic and about an afternoon’s worth of work. However, by the end of it all, your door is going to have a serious facelift to brag about!

Old Sawhorses

If you are massively into DIY projects, chances are you have a couple of sawhorses standing around taking up space. Let’s put them to good use and transform them into a cool and functional desk. All you have to do is find a good piece of wood for the top and stain all your pieces and screw them together and boom!

Countertop Scraps

Do you want a classy cutting board, but don’t want to spend a fortune? Well, try visiting a local shop that makes custom marble and granite countertops and ask them for scraps. You could get away with the perfect cutting board for the fraction of the price.

What DIY project did you complete recently?